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Warman Competition

The Warman Competition was designed to test aspiring mechanical engineers' abilities to analyze and solve problems. It challenges students to come up with practical solutions to theoretical problems. Students are given an objective whereby they are to design and build a robot to accomplish the given tasks. Building a complete robot brings together mechanical design, programming and electronics.

I took part in the Warman competition heats in 2017. Our objective was to collect 6 balls of varying sizes, sort them by size and deposit them in the appropriate bins. We designed and built a four-wheel drive robot that used the weight and volume of the balls for sorting. An Arduino board was programed to help our robot navigate the track to the bins, where it would then deposit the different balls.

I unfortunately did not keep a video of my robot and neither did my teammates. Never thought I would have switched to the IT field, nor did I think at the time that I would need something like this that would have been great to showcase 😅.