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Terminal Site

For some time now I've been meaning to make a personal portfolio. I am not the most creative person and so never had a solid idea of how I would do it. There are many great examples out there and I did take inspiration from a few. But why it took me so long despite so many ideas is the complexity of these projects. Looking at other people's portfolios is intimidating 😓. I know I shouldn't be but looking at what's possible and having little to no idea how to do it does not help!

I like to play around a lot with the CLI and by some stroke of luck fell on some YouTube videos on terminal-themed websites. So I thought why not make one myself? It might not be the flashiest of portfolios and definitely not perfect but I had fun making it.

Initially, I planned making it using qwik after hearing so much about it. I gave it a shot and although it isn't hard to grasp I had some trouble with the event listeners. So I gave up a little too easily on it and decided to build it in svelte. I have some experience with react and solid js but not much in svelte. Thought this would be a great opportunity to learn it and it was.

Now it wasn't all as smooth as I'd hoped but I managed to make something from the ground up and finally got a better understanding of this framework. Using a framework was a little overkill for this type of project I feel. It definitely would have been a lot simpler if I did it using vanilla js. But it was a great learning experience and I had fun 😁!